Sunday, August 13, 2006

Travel Camp 2006

Took me a while to post this...Blogger wasn't accepting my photos for some reason.

Alex & I were amongst the few leaders who attended the travel camp for the Gateway Youth. Even though the leaders were running on a few hours of sleep each day, we all managed to make it through the day...and to drive these kids to our destinations. Most of the leaders were running on power drinks and Starbucks coffee. But despite our sleep deprivation, we also managed to have fun and learn a few things along with the kids. Here are some pictures.

This was one of the first things we've experienced...the junior high boys wrestling in their room. This was an awesome sight to see. We were all watching them wishing to be there again. (Check out the short video clip I managed to catch.)

(Nathan, Erick & Mitchell)


(Michael & Aaron)

Some of the kids got to exploring after kyaking. They were throwing seaweed to the girls and throwing rocks into the water.

John & Rita watching teams play broom ball.

(Mariah, Allie & Danielle)
Our small groups. This is were we got into deeper conversations and thoughts from the general sessions.

Some of us had a chance to relax in the sun.

We had a chance to go out in our teams and help the local community. The kids really got into this one. Poor Jeremy was always a step behind. He hurt his foot earlier in the trip.

(Shawn, Michael & Jeremy)
These boys loved the camera. They were very glad to pose for me. We were at the beach and it was dark. There was a bon fire just behind me but they were interested in becoming famous.

Thanks to Rita Meza...we ate very well & the food was great!

(Noel, Erica, Levi & Ana)
Our time after dinner around the fire was also exciting.

Since these pictures are huge, I will post one more. I'm sure there'll be a slide show soon. Here's the group shot.


trazomfreak said...

Aw, how sad. I think I have one more left in me. I think 5 days was just right...not too short, not too long.

trazomfreak said...

I'll give it a try. It takes a lot out of me...but it's always worth it.

JennSarinana said...

It truly was awesome!!!

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